
Adding a piano to your home is actually a long-term commitment that you have to deal with. Most of the time, new learners who decide to buy a piano, just head on over to a reputable music shop and seek their advice. However, they tend to neglect the part about what size of piano can fit into their home as long as the exact spot to place it. At times, this has led to making the wrong decision and regretting thereafter. So here are some tips that might be of help for anyone who wishes to place a piano at home.

The first step is to figure out the fit. You can do this by approaching the piano dealer for a piece of paper or felt pattern to unfold on the floor. If you still have any doubts as to whether the piano can navigate a tight turn, then seek the aid of an expert piano mover to take a look at the situation. For your own information, vertical pianos should be a minimum of four inches from a wall, so that it can reflect the music back to the room. As grand pianos have horizontal soundboards, the music would be able to bounce off the floor. If you realise that opening a grand’s lid bounces sound against a wall nearby, then keep it closed instead.

Another thing you should be aware of is that hot air can dry out a piano. Hence, do not put it next to a heating vent, a fireplace or a wood stove. Pianos perform better in steady humidity, so many owners buy machines to keep humidity constant. Alternatively, keep the piano away from poorly insulated exterior walls. Aside from hot air, direct sunlight can also damage a piano. If the piano has to be placed next to a window, try using curtains or coat the glass to block ultraviolet rays.

For those who didn’t know, the larger the piano is, the stronger the sound will be. However, with the help of a technician, the sound can be adjusted to the size of the room. Some people advise that a large grand piano should be placed on a carpet for the best sound quality. For those individuals who lack either the space or the finance for an acoustic piano, digital pianos can be a solution. Furthermore, headphones allow one to play without disturbing others.

If you are looking for piano lessons in Singapore, do check out what Awesome Piano has to offer. You can learn more about us at our website.